Thursday 15 May 2014

gordon d cook's blog 1; NO WHITEWASH

Welcome to Blog1 of a weekly trailblazing conversation.

A dialogue to challenge the status quo. Please engage in this movement.

Poster Visual; WHITEWASH  by Artist Simon Ford
My parents, priests and teachers always told me to follow the rules, to not cross the line. The army, which I escaped, wanted us to march to a single tune. Employers would raise the concept of ‘the real world’ as the ultimate reality. But much of my life has been to question and challenge the so called real world and many of the rules, conventions, regulations and policies which too many of us define our lives by.

The simple reason for this seemingly contrarian view is because the following question burns inside me: How can we be satisfied with the ‘reality, and how dare we embrace the status quo when, from a global and human perspective, it is a space with unabating tragedy, injustice and desperation.

The actual reality is that we generally have aberrated societies, organisations rampant with power abuse, psychopathic leadership, cultures of meanness, greed and aggression with the majority of us living in undignified oppression. We seem to anaesthetise independent thinking. We repeat: don’t upset the apple cart, let sleeping dogs lie and don’t fix what aint broke. Yet most of our social, economic and political systems are cracked and broken. So, as Robinson Jeffers said: Long live freedom and damn the ideologies.

The terrifying image given us by poet W.B Yates should make us sit up and focus:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre 
The falcon cannot hear the falconer; 
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; 
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world….

trailblazing hopes to be a catalyst to continually light the fuse for change and to propose better ideas and new ways. Even if the status quo was taking us down the right path, the rate of change and spread of new knowledge requires us to ratchet up our critical and creative thinking. Like George Lois, I do believe that creativity can solve almost any problem – the creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.

Educational institutions should be the fly wheels for change but most seem paralysed by systems, structures and regulations making so much of our curricula passing the expiry dates.

This blog will peddle optimism, activism and provocation to challenge the never ending line of sacred cows.

Indeed, the launch of Vega was to celebrate a new trail of thinking. Amidst the flare of rockets at the launch event, a parade of visual images and words celebrated a diverse collection of trail blazers, trouble makers, revolutionaries, reprobates, miscreants, maestros, martyrs and malcontents; the mavericks, rebels and legends of history. Because, as a famous Apple ad highlighted, it is such people who change the world. A piece of the Beethoven 9th symphony was played because the opening chords batter not only against the terrible constraints of his deafness, but also against the musical conventions of his time. The music is at once demented in its effort to overcome both and triumphant in its resounding victory.

trailblazing would like to contribute to the creative fire that spreads across boundaries of culture, language, race, age and gender. As we hurtle into the early stages of the 21st century the human imagination has new tools and media to dance with.

The starting and end point of trailblazing will be chronic dissatisfaction. In our world, satisfaction is at best fantasy, myopia, a form of sedation and fairy-tale thinking. Not even thinking. Not even dreaming. It is denialism which is the glue that locks the status quo together. This blog will hopefully raise anger from which there can come action to change. To reconceptualise, to re-look, review and reinvent. There are no rules for doing this.

Wicked problems

The plethora of human and environmental issues holding us back, retarding and even destroying humankind should be our focus. This raises a raft of wicked problems and issues about which we need breakthrough thinking.

We can surely speak about:

  • The social class systems implicit in our organisations
  • Eradicating violence against women and children
  • The barriers to private and public collaboration
  • Making brands more authentic and assets for social change
  • How to free us from being either part of the oppressed or part of the oppressor
  • Poverty and the wealth gap
  • Retailers over charging the poor
  • Making education more relevant and students more activist
  • New measures, beside economic ones for the condition of our societies
  • Our inability to create work for people

Let me know of those issues burning you up. Collectively we can then try to unpack them and propose new and better ways for solving or fixing them.
The challenge always is to keep a balance. As Yeats also warned:

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity

We must strike a balance between smug comfort and self-righteousness - while clutching on to a sense of humour! A tough ask. But at least let us begin conversations for they are the foundation stones for any change.

Let us also recognise individuals and organisations who do ask the hard questions and steer us toward some answers.

Come trail blaze with me. Join a movement envisioned by Lois to not sedate but to awaken, to disturb, to communicate, to instigate and even to provoke.


  1. Happy trail blazing Gordon! Will be following to make sure that I don't become totally IIE'ed ;)

  2. Great! Count me in - I'll be following! Looking forward to it.

  3. "And now, the eyes of my eyes are opened". I've always loved that Cummings line, and sometimes casually claim it, when I think I can get away with it. (Whoops)
    Anyway, I think what Cummings was reaching to, is something I wrestle with defining every day.
    How to be a trail blazer in a world that worships at the altar of those who follow the rules, wear matching socks, act with little or no kindness and compassion, when no one is watching.
    I'm hardly a trail blazer. Yet. But I think half the work starts in asking the right questions.
    I know they will be on this blog. Excited to add to the discussion.
    Instigators, get into a lot of trouble...
    I've never been afraid to swim upstream.
    I'm reading.
    So there's that.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for this Gordon. I doubt I can say anything I like, about whom I like. Unfortunately the 'rules' wont allow it ;)

  6. Love it! Finally you will share your wisdom Gordon and lead the movement. Exciting!!!

  7. Fantastic great to see the blog cant wait for more updates

  8. Absolutely fabulolus concept - it will be great to see you blazing out in this direction - count me in! Here's a terrific expression for people like us :

    I was unable to sign up to follow these blogs as I'm not a member of google?!

  9. This is exciting. I believe a lot of great conversation will stem from this -- it would be wonderful to witness the dialogue and (ultimately) change in motion. In my attempts to become a trailblazer, I suppose my current rant relates to the culture of Lone Genius that has become almost synonymous with Big Ideas. While the rest of the world has identified a need for collaborative efforts for innovation and... well (for lack of a better word) awesomeness (OpenIdeo, for example, is pure awesomeness); there seems to be a tenacious attitude in South African creativity and the way we do things. We hide our work, we compete, and we are... selfish? I may be overstepping, but I think if there were a time to change this, now would be the best time. Sharing ideas is global, it is infectious; and SA is more than capable of catching the ShareFlu. So, why not?

    :) Here's to setting the trails ablaze.

  10. This blog is long overdue. Welcome to the bloggers' sphere Gordon.
